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LHC Olympics 2020

LHC Olympics 2020 R&D Page

For setting up, developing, and validating your methods, we provide background events and a benchmark signal model.  You can download these from this page.  To help get you started, we have also prepared simple python scripts to read in the data and do some basic processing. 

To keep the scope limited, all signals will be of the form X -> hadrons, where X is a new massive particle with an O(TeV) mass.  The events require at least one R = 1.0 jet with pT > 1.2 TeV.  For each event, we provide a list of all hadrons (pT, eta, phi, pT, eta, phi, …) zero-padded up to 700 hadrons.

We strongly encourage you to publish your original research methods using these datasets (before or after) the unveiling of the results.  Anyone who participates will be part of a summary paper to be prepared following the workshop.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions:  we will use the ML4Jets slack channel to discuss technical questions related to this challenge. 

Good luck!

Gregor Kasieczka, Ben Nachman, and David Shih